The Ojai Mythological Round Table will hold its fifth meeting on Sunday, March 18th at the Ojai Foundation at 5:15pm.The peoples we call the Celts have left us a rich archaeological, historical and mythological record in continental Europe and the British Isles. From their late Neolithic/early Bronze Age roots to the western-most outposts of the Celtic world in the British Isles, their …legacy is far-reaching . Fabulous gold jewelry, mysterious bog bodies, heroes and warrior queens are all potentially present when we explore the Celts.On Sunday, March 18, Mary Diggin will give a talk on the Celts, their stories, their legal traditions and spirituality. She will particularly explore Celtic women and the marriage and divorce laws of Ireland. We will also ask how this rich and full legacy can help us explore new models of how we can be in this world, as men and women of today, as leaders, with our children and the earth.
— atThe Ojai Foundation.

Mary Diggin, MA has a masters in Mythological Studies and is an IIVR certified trainer and Deep Imagery Guide who currently lives in New Mexico, USA. Born in Ireland, she moved to New Mexico in 1998, where she lives with her husband, E.S. Gallegos on the Rio Grande, in the Embudo area where they run Deep Imagery workshops and also work with people on an individual basis through Imagery. Her particular interests are in the intersection between myth, storytelling, ritual and deep imagery as well as the link between psyche and nature. Mary’s deep imagery workshops often reflect these interests and her passionate understanding of the deep imagination as a powerful holistic means of accessing our inner world and building relationship with what we may call the outer world.
Mary has worked with Deep Imagery and the Personal Totem Pole process for over 20 years. She has worked extensively with Dr. Gallegos in that time and has been co leader of trainings in Denmark & the USA with Dr. Gallegos; leader of workshops in the USA, Ireland and Germany; organizer of Deep Imagery workshops, trainings and festivals; and she has worked with individuals and groups by phone and in person.
Mary completed her Masters in Mythological studies with an Emphasis in Depth Psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute and is currently working on her Ph.D. dissertation, writing on Los Hermanos de la Fraternidad Piadosa de Padre Jesus Nazareno (the Penitentes). Her undergraduate work was in Education (B. Ed. from Mary Immaculate College, Ireland) and Religious studies (Diploma in Religious Education from the Mount Oliver Institute).
She also trained in massage, web and graphic design and works as a micaceous clay potter, writer and Sweat Lodge Water Pourer. She is fortunate to be able to fully persue her many interests in Northern New Mexico . Mary is available to lead workshops and to work with individuals.
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