The Teaching Tree at the Ojai Foundation has long stood as an axis of learning and wisdom in Southern California. Krishnamurti, Aldous Huxley, Black Elk, Thích Nhất Hạnh, Houston Smith, Joan Halifax and Joseph Campbell are few among the many profound teachers who have spoken above its roots and beneath its branches. Those involved with the JCF MRT of Ojai have long felt the privilege and honor of gathering at the Foundation, under Campbell’s legacy, where a student of his once nurtured this place into existence, and where the man himself once spoke. Since its inception we’ve dreamed forward to a time when the roundtable might meet beneath the Teaching Tree. After reserving and waiting for the right teacher and time to cross that respected threshold: Dr. Evans Lansing Smith, presiding Chair of the world’s sole PhD program in Mythological Studies, will guide us through “An Archetypal Arboretum: The Mythology of Trees.” Dr. Smith received a B.A. in English from Williams College, an M/A/ in Creative Writing from Antioch International (London and Dublin), and a Ph.D. in Literature from the Claremont Graduate School. He traveled with Joseph Campbell on study tours of Northern France, Egypt, and Kenya, and studied literature in England, at Oxford and Cambridge Universities. He has taught at colleges in Switzerland, Maryland, Texas and California. In addition to the ten books and numerous articles he has published on comparative mythology and literature, he was nominated for “International Writer of the Year 2003” by the International Biographical Center in Cambridge, England.
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