Myth Salon brings you, “Tantra, Chakras and the Path to Individuation” by Rick Alexander.. This is hot stuff! When I first encountered eastern perspectives along my own path to spiritual growth and understanding, I found more mysteries unlocked by exploring the webs of inter-connection, non-duality, and oneness than I could imagine. Pregnant with profound inter-connections, the relationships between self and other, between the parts and the whole, began to dissolve. Within my own being, wholeness and the implicate order, channeling David Bohm, began to make sense – transforming everything into lenses with which to connect with everything else. So, come with us on this journey into Tantras, Chakras and the Path to Individuation with Rick Alexander!
Event Description: In 1932, C.G. Jung first put analytical psychology in dialogue with Tantra through his lectures on Kundalini Yoga. Tantra and the Path of Individuation is an attempt to dream that conversation forward, asking essential questions about how the Tantric worldview might inform our models of psychic development and the unfolding of our personal myth. In this lecture, we will look at and contemplate the psychological and spiritual path in light of these two philosophies. As Tantra and Jungian Psychology come together, the seeker is given new images to see by and imagine their individuation. This new way of seeing includes a reorientation of one’s relationship to the body, to one’s own desire—which can be seen here as the fuel for individuation—as well as a reorientation of the ego’s relationship to the Soul.
Rick Alexander is an author, speaker, psychedelic practitioner, and coach. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. at Pacifica Graduate Institute where he studies comparative mythology and depth psychology, following the path of scholars like Joseph Campbell and C.G. Jung. His written material, lectures, and personal client work draw heavily from contemplative spiritual traditions of the East and West and are centered in Depth and Archetypal psychology. Recently, he's taught workshops and lectured for organizations around the world including the United States Air Force, and Bell Canada, as well as for specialized retreats, private events, and academic conferences.
Radha Jetley is a Mythologist specializing in connections between Eastern and Western mythic traditions and their historical origins. She has a masters in Mythological studies and is currently pursuing a PhD in Mythological studies and depth psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute.
Dr. Danielle Alexander is a Ph.D. candidate at Pacifica Graduate Institute with a Master's in Depth Psychology. Danielle specializes in bridging the realms of science and the sacred, with an emphasis in the exploration of the somatic unconscious. As a certified Somatic Experiencing Practitioner® and Doctor of Physical Therapy, she helps individuals navigate trauma and difficult transitions by helping them tune into the unspoken wisdom of the body. Danielle is also the host of The Embodied Podcast, inviting introspective discussions on the interconnectedness of the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of life.
Tayria Ward, Ph.D., lives in Asheville, North Carolina, where she has a private practice offering dream analysis, psychological and spiritual guidance to clients from all parts of the world. Tayria has worked intensively with her own and other peoples’ dreams for more than 45 years, and for nearly 30 years has been an avid student of indigenous ways of knowing and being. She has conducted a monthly Global Community Dream Symposium since early 2017 wherein persons from all over the world come to share their dreams and listen to the collective dreaming mind. Tayria conducts retreats and vision quests, teaches on-line courses, and teaches to a wide audience in regular interviews and lectures.
Ashok Bedi, M.D. is a Jungian psychoanalyst, board-certified psychiatrist, a member of the Royal College of psychiatrists of Great Britain, a diplomat in Psychological Medicine at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of England, a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association the liaison for the IAAP for developing Jungian training programs in India, a Clinical Professor in Psychiatry at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee and a training analyst at the Carl G. Jung Institute of Chicago. His books include crossing the Healing Zone, Awaken the Slumbering Goddess: The Latent Code of the Hindu Goddess Archetypes, Retire Your Family Karma: Decode Your Family Pattern and Find Your Soul Path and Path to the Soul. He leads the annual “A Jungian Encounter with the Soul of India” study group to several centers in India under the auspices of the New York Jung Foundation. For more of good work, be check out www.pathtotheosul.com
Dennis Patrick Slattery, Ph.D. is a Distinguished Emeritus Professor in the Mythological Studies Program At Pacifica Graduate Institute. He has authored, coauthored, edited or coedited 33 volumes of poetry, non fiction and fiction. His most recent titles include The Way of Myth: Stories' Subtle Wisdom and The Fiction in Our Convictions. His web site, dennispatrickslattery.com contains a series of blogs, paintings, adventure invitations and online courses.
Dana White, Ph.D. a contributing faculty member to Pacifica's myth degrees and author of numerous volumes on mythology. Over the course of his career, Dana has worked in radio and industrial television, as a vice president of marketing for Merrill Lynch, and as an academic department chair at an art college. He edits and designs books, produces films and motion media for universities, corporations and non-profits, and is a professional photographer with more than 40 books to his credit.He currently produces and hosts the Myth Salon, a venture he co-founded in 2016 with Dr. Will Linn,
Will Linn, PhD, Will is a Creative Mythologist. For three seasons and thirty episodes, he anchored the Sky, ZDF and History Channel TV show, Myths: The Greatest Mysteries of Humanity as one of the two recurring “meta experts.” He is the founder of mythouse.org and Head Mythologist for Fascinated by Everything—a visionary experience company that creates narrative art in next-generation mediums. Will served as a leader for the Joseph Campbell Foundation over an eight year period and was the founding chair of an innovative film and performing arts college called Relativity School in Los Angeles Center Studios. From 2015-2023, he taught myth, anthropology, writing, story and philosophy at the college while leading high school, graduate and professional coursework in the United States and Europe. His media and conference appearances, publications and roundtables have been focused on the poesis of nature and technology, meta-narratives of transformation, historical arcs in the mythic imagination and the archetypal revolution of meteor-steel.
Will Linn, PhD, Will is a Creative Mythologist. For three seasons and thirty episodes, he anchored the Sky, ZDF and History Channel TV show, Myths: The Greatest Mysteries of Humanity as one of the two recurring “meta experts.” He is the founder of mythouse.org and Head Mythologist for Fascinated by Everything—a visionary experience company that creates narrative art in next-generation mediums. Will served as a leader for the Joseph Campbell Foundation over an eight year period and was the founding chair of an innovative film and performing arts college called Relativity School in Los Angeles Center Studios. From 2015-2023, he taught myth, anthropology, writing, story and philosophy at the college while leading high school, graduate and professional coursework in the United States and Europe. His media and conference appearances, publications and roundtables have been focused on the poesis of nature and technology, meta-narratives of transformation, historical arcs in the mythic imagination and the archetypal revolution of meteor-steel.
The Myth Salon is all about cultivating community – bringing people and ideas into a delicious convergence every month to explore ideas of substance. Dr. Will Linn and Dr. Dana C White, the indefatigable moderators of our Myth Salon, congregate the mythological community to explore upon this rich and fertile path, and increase the amperage of myth and substance wherever we are. When we nurture and sustain our community relations and involvement, we all benefit! The full playlist of Myth Salons since the Spring of 2020 can be found Here.
Mythouse.org - Mythic Calendar: The Mythic Calendar integrates the world’s major holidays into a single calendar of media and information rich portals that explore the mythic dimensions of each holiday, sign of the zodiac, flower of the month, birth stone and celestial event. Check in with the mythic calendar each month and with every holiday to stay engaged with mythic time.
Mythology Channel: Explore ten years of mythic radio series, round tables, myth salons and special events in the Mythology Channel’s content library.
Dennis Slattery’s Invitations:
dennispatrickslattery.com contains a series of blogs, paintings, adventure invitations and online courses.
Dana White’s Invitations:
Tao Te Ching: Enter into the poetic flow of the Tao
Dana White Youtube Channel: Explore Myth Salons, Mastery Circles and a range of mythic conversations on my Youtube Channel.
Will Linn’s Invititations:
Climate BootCamp: The Climate Bootcamp was designed for the Harvard Alumni Society Committee for the Climate and Climate Reality with the help of Mythouse to serve as a virtual course to support those ready to bring change within an organization.
Special Thanks to the continued support of the Pacifica Graduate Institute Alumni Association.