The story of humanity begins with the story of Africa. If you’re looking for a fascinating and fun exploration of one of the most diverse and significant mythic studies, look no further than The Exploration of African Myth: Drumming and Storytelling with Dr. Kwame Scruggs.
Kwame holds a Ph.D. in Mythology and is the founder of Alchemy Inc., an organization using mythological stories to transform the lives of adolescents and the backdrop for the feature-length documentary, “Finding the Gold Within.” In addition to numerous teaching positions, Kwame has been a featured speaker at the C. G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology of New York City, and is a board member of The Joseph Campbell Foundation.
In this three part series, participants will become immersed in Kwame’s mythic storytelling and drumming as they work through a single African myth in three parts. As he delivers the myth, Kwame will pause in the storytelling and seek responses and dialogue from the audience. This method keeps alive the transformative power of myth.
LEFT EYE, the lunar eye, the Eye of Horus, receives and reflects. The archetypal bifurcation of the Solar and Lunar eyes–such as Ra’s and Horus’–span the mythic landscape. Where the Evil Eye beams out projections, the eye-breast recalls an inverted reflection: To see into existence is to nurse into being. This is the work of the lunar eye, of our LEFT EYE, to nurse, see and love towards greater fullness.
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