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Wednesday’s Wisdom: Episode 8 Finale

Will Linn here. I’ve joined a conversation, Wednesday’s Wisdom, about Myth & American Gods that will be recorded and shared each week. I thought some of you might also be following the show, and that these short clips might stimulate further conversation about world mythology. Below is the description from Terence Johnson, our Digital Content and Social Media Coordinator over at Relativity School.

American Gods is a hit show that’s been enchanting viewers since the beginning of May. As storytellers and artists, we here at #relschool have been captivated by the blend of the old and modern and how mythology manifests itself on the show. We have created Wednesday’s Wisdom, a weekly conversation led by Relativity School’s Director of Education Dr. William Linn, alongside Relativity School students and Terence Johnson (Digital Content and Social Media Coordinator), where we explore the show and it’s themes. Enjoy the first installment and share with us in the comments what you think! #americangods #omgods #wednesdaywisdom


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