Greetings everyone,
I hope this email finds you and everyone in your world safe and thriving during this pandemic. Words do not begin to describe the marathon nature of continuing our deep descent into this prolonged liminality. The past – those back-slapping days of spontaneity, hugging, and hanging out together in intimate clusters of friends – seem another world away. As 2020 stretches on, whatever the future is shaping up to be – it is certain to be very different than anything any of us has experienced!
So, as part of your in-home entertainment and education, this week Dr. Dennis Slattery will be delivering his third talk in the Myth, Poetics & Culture: Creative Encounters – Riting Myth: Bridging Mimesis, Neurology & Aesthetics on Wednesday, July 29 at 5PM Pacific Time:
Starting with a premise: psyche is always meaning-directed, mimetic and metaphoric, Dr. Slattery will explore with our panel how the imagination’s fundamental impulse is to create analogies of experience in order to cultivate coherence in one’s life. “Psycho-poetics” may be a useful term to designate how the psyche makes meaning of an event by offering a narrative, an extended metaphor, to reveal the inner sleeve of an event through the transference of energy. I will use three of my own poems to illustrate the migration of a lived event to an aesthetically-formed experience in poetic form. Such a creative process of aesthetic expression can evoke feelings of compassion and an urge for social justice.

Join me, my co-host partner Dr. Will Linn, and our stellar panel: Dr. John Bucher, Dr. Dara Marks and Dr. Kwame Scruggs as we plumb the depths of mythological scholarship – picking up more than a few shards of substance along the way!

Here’s the link to Register for Dr. Dennis Slattery #3: Myth, Poetics and Culture – Creative Encounters
When we know the nature of the Myth Salon on Thursday August 6, we’ll let you know – still making our determinations!
Wishing you well,

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