Hi Everyone, this is Will - as we go along, jsut want to encourage you to chat here. Feel fre to start a discussion or topic anywhere, but if it's just a chat, let's chat!
Here are some links that are being shared in the panelist Zoom chat:
Speaking of Ithaca, Our guest tonight, Dr. Joel Christensen appears on a podcast entitled Ithaca Bound- his topic is on Achilles. For more media from Dr. Joel, check out his portal on Mythouse! https://www.mythouse.org/portals/dr.-joel-christensen
Here are some links that are being shared in the panelist Zoom chat:
Speaking of Ithaca, Our guest tonight, Dr. Joel Christensen appears on a podcast entitled Ithaca Bound- his topic is on Achilles. For more media from Dr. Joel, check out his portal on Mythouse! https://www.mythouse.org/portals/dr.-joel-christensen
As Will mentioned, here is Dennis' website: https://www.dennispatrickslattery.com/
If you're interested in hearing more about the retreat Dr. Connie Zweig is putting together at Pacifica in November, check it out here https://retreat.pacifica.edu/inner-work-of-age/