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Top of August Myth Newsletter

Greetings everyone,

I hope this email finds you and everyone in your world safe, surviving, and hopefully thriving during this coronavirus pandemic.

This is the gentle reminder announcement for the two August Myth Salons: Rumi – A Poet for Pilgrimages, Possibilities and Paradox on Thursday August 6 at 5PM Pacific Time – featuring Dr. Zaman Stanizai and Dr. Connie Zweig. As a scholar on Rumi and the Sufi traditions, Dr. Zaman Stanizai will invite us to explore Rumi’s tale from the historical, cultural, and religious contexts. He will describe how the cultural moment in which Rumi lived shaped his emotional, intellectual, and spiritual development. Taking off from this, with her book A Moth to the Flame based upon the life and adventures of Rumi, Dr. Connie Zweig will set Rumi’s story into a mythic context. For centuries, Rumi has remained alive in the hearts of millions around the world. Rumi’s story burns like a torch of inspiration for us all. At this Myth Salon, we will understand why!

Here’s the Registration Link for the Rumi Myth Salon:

Then, on Thursday August 20, the Myth Salon is especially pleased to bring you Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen: Unscripted – Navigating the prolonged liminality of the coronavirus pandemic, where we’ll explore how to create and implement tools for entering the unknown beyond the beginning of the re-emergence. Indeed, two very special Myth Salons for August. Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen is a world-renowned writer and lecturer – perhaps best known for her pioneering The Tao of Psychology – Synchronicity and the Self, now celebrating its 25th anniversary, Crossing to Avalon, Goddesses in Everywoman, Gods in Everyman and numerous other books. Understandably, we are deeply honored that Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen will be presenting in the Myth Salon.

Here’s the Registration Link for the Myth Salon with Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen, Unscripted – Navigating Liminality:

Sandwiched between the Rumi Myth Salons with Dr. Zaman Stanizai and Dr. Connie Zweig on August 6 and the August 20 Myth Salon with Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen – Unscripted, on Wednesday August 12 at 5PM Pacific Time, we will once again enter the world of Dr. Dennis Slattery, who will deliver his fourth talk in the Myth, Poetics & Culture: Creative Encounters – Riting Myth: Reading, Individuation and the Making of Meaning:

All significant moments of the hero or heroine’s journey are embedded in the imaginative act of reading. I want to concentrate on reading classics of literature as a transformative journey into a symbolic order that is such a foundational element in C.G. Jung’s individuation process. To read contemplatively and imaginatively is to enter the realm of the archetypes and the energy they muster and dispense in the act of reading. In addition, reading is a journey through the energy fields of the work that cultivate transformation in the reader. Perhaps as well, the work that we are shaping and being shaped by, continues through us its own individuation process, for it too contains a consciousness, an unconscious and a collective unconscious. I will use a few passages from my new book, From War to Wonder: Retrieving Your Personal Myth Through Homer’s Odyssey.

So, please join me, my co-host partner Dr. Will Linn, and our stellar panel: Dr. John Bucher, Dr. Dara Marks and Dr. Kwame Scruggs as we continue to plumb the depths of mythological scholarship – picking up more than a few shards of substance along the way!

Here’s the link to Register for Dr. Dennis Slattery #4: Myth, Poetics and Culture – Creative Encounters with Dr. Dennis Slattery

Will and I are very excited about the lineup of Myth Salon presenters we anticipate bringing you for the remainder of the year. When we ask people whether they would come into the Myth Salon to give a talk, virtually everyone is saying yes. It is impossible to calculate the effect the covid pandemic is having upon everyone – but suffice it to say, the presenters we have approached to speak at the Myth Salon are in the same boat. We are all deeply implicated in one another’s lives and we all need one another. The gratitude that is being shared among the participants in the Myth Salon is deep, sincere and genuine. The conversations we are having during these months of being isolated are indeed substantive – but then again, when Will and I began this endeavor at the very start of the pandemic, we had the impression the Myth Salon would soon serve as a vital community link for however long it takes the country to emerge from this period of prolonged liminality!

For the planners in the community who may wish to mark their calendars, here is a brief summary of our upcoming talks. Links to follow:

Thursday August 6 Rumi Myth Salon with Drs. Zaman Stanizai and Dr. Connie Zweig

Wednesday August 12 #4 Creative Encounters with Dr. Dennis Slattery

Thursday August 20 Myth Salon with Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen, Unscripted

Wednesday August 26 # 5 Creative Encounters with Dr. Dennis Slattery

Thursday September 3 Myth Salon with Dr. Roger Walsh – Wisdom

Thursday September 17 Myth Salon with Dr. Ashok Bedi – Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra

Thursday October 15 Myth Salon with Steve Galipeau – Star Wars

Thursday October 22 The Writer’s Journey with Christopher Vogler – 25th Anniversary celebration

We wish you well and hope you’ll come join us!



Dana C. White, PhD

Host – The Myth Salon


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