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Greek mythology presents a unique way of explaining the creation of man and Earth. Part of this creation story includes a time when several adverse effects unleashed onto the Earth and its inhabitants, including hatred, envy, and sickness. These burdens were never meant to trouble humankind, but they escaped and did as such.
Pandora was the keeper of a box that contained those evil influences. It was that evil that could ultimately destroy humanity. The box is known today as Pandora’s Boxbecause Pandora is the one who opened it. She did not know what opening the box would release, but in doing so, she risked not only the lives of humans but of the Gods as well.
The Greek Gods had to evacuate the Earth and flee for Mount Olympus, but one Goddess stayed behind. That Goddess was Astraea, the Goddess of innocence and purity. In her effort to remain behind, Astraea became the zodiac constellation, Virgo.
The Virgo zodiac is a depiction of the winged Goddess herself. The constellation is made up of thirteen stars and applies to people born between August 23rd and September 22nd.
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