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Myth of Time: Zodiac
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The Greeks and Romans wove mythic tales about the planets and constellations.  These stories give us hints of which planet, constellation (or zodiacal sign) they were describing. For instance, the story of Jason and the Argonauts is an Aries story since it tells of the Ram skin, the Ram is the symbol for Aries. The story of King Midas has the bull symbol running through it so that we know it is about the sign of Taurus. We can't identify all of the myths that were used to describe all of the zodiac signs so I have identified myths that I thought fit the signs...
The Greeks and Romans wove mythic tales about the planets and constellations.  These stories give us hints of which planet, constellation (or zodiacal sign) they were describing. For instance, the story of Jason and the Argonauts is an Aries story since it tells of the Ram skin, the Ram is the symbol for Aries. The story of King Midas has the bull symbol running through it so that we know it is about the sign of Taurus. We can't identify all of the myths that were used to describe all of the zodiac signs so I have identified myths that I thought fit the signs...
The idea of the 12 Signs of the Zodiac is one that goes back thousands of years, and most people will be able to name several of the Zodiac signs, even if they have no interest in astrology. The names used today, in the western world, for the 12 Signs of the Zodiac are taken from the Roman period some 2000 years ago. The Romans though were simply building on the work undertaken by Babylonian and Greek astronomers in the centuries before...
In ancient Greece, the signs of the greek zodiac were identified with twelve groups of stars (constellations) which we can see in the night sky at different times during the year. They were also associated with one of the four elements - Earth, Air, Fire and Water - and behind each one of them lies a fascinating story. As a matter of fact, the word itself, 'zodiac', comes from a greek word meaning 'the circle of animals' - 'animals' referring to all living creatures. And indeed,with the exception of Libra, each one of the myths is associated with living beings, either animals or humans...
Every zodiac sign has a story behind its name. Some zodiac signs stories are more interesting than others, but most are incredible to read about simply because they come from Greek mythology. Each zodiac sign has a star constellation and an image or symbol that depicts the representation of the star alignment. That symbol comes from a story in Greek mythology, which makes the zodiac sign a lot more meaningful. Although it is inspiring to hear about your zodiac sign and how it defines you as a spiritual being, the explanations don’t stand for much if they don’t come from somewhere significant...
All of us have heard of the zodiac signs; Taurus, Virgo, Leo, Aries and many others besides. To understand the origin of these ‘sun’ signs, we first need to know what the ecliptic is. The ecliptic is a huge imaginary circle in the night sky, the path on which the sun travels over the course of a year. It is so called because eclipses occur when the moon crosses this imaginary line. All the planets except Pluto, and the moon as well, move along the ecliptic...
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