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Month: January
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Janus and Jana, a pair of ancient Latin divinities, who were worshiped as the sun and moon, whence they were regarded as the highest of the gods, and received their sacrifices before all the others. The name Janus is only another form of Dianus, and Jana of Diana; but the ancients connected it also with janua (door), for it was also applied to a covered passage with two entrances, as the Janus medius in the Forum. The fact of Jana being identical in import with Luna and Diana is attested beyond a doubt by Varro. We stated above that Janus was regarded as identical with Sol, but this does not appear to have been the case originally, for it is related that the worship of Janus was introduced at Rome by Romulus, whereas that of Sol was instituted by Titus Tatius, and the priority of the worship of Janus is also implied in the story related by Macrobius...
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