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Contemporary Mythology: The Matrix
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If one were to re-arrange the name Neo slightly, it would be the word “one” The separateness of the numbers “one” and the “three” in the movie, of Neo and Trinity, represent an incompleteness in the human psyche. As we shall see, the joining of Neo and Trinity is what [a]ffects the change necessary for Neo to overcome his adversaries at the end of the film.
If one were to re-arrange the name Neo slightly, it would be the word “one” The separateness of the numbers “one” and the “three” in the movie, of Neo and Trinity, represent an incompleteness in the human psyche. As we shall see, the joining of Neo and Trinity is what [a]ffects the change necessary for Neo to overcome his adversaries at the end of the film.
In general, the trilogy is has a distinct theme that can be traced in many Greek myths, which is the inevitability of fate. Taking for example the myth of Jason and the Argonauts, Pelias who overthrew his brother Aeson was fearful that Jason, the son of Aeson would overthrow him.
Architect says the following:

“I prefer counting from the emergence of one integral anomaly to the emergence of the next, in which case this is the sixth version.”

That basically means there have been five previous incarnations of Neo. This is similar to the Hindu god Vishnu who throughout history has assumed a certain shape or avatara.
The Oracle in greek history was an intermediary between god and man. People could ask an Oracle questions and get an answer, sometimes in a riddle format that often wouldn't make sense until later. In the Matrix she says, "You know what that means? It's Latin. Means know thyself." "Know thyself" is inscribed upon the Oracle of Apollo and attributed to the Delphic Oracle, Greece, 6th century B.C.
The Matrix offers up a stew of aspects from other religious traditions, particularly Buddhism. Dailey says it’s not surprising that the film combines aspects of Buddhism with Gnosticism. "They pose humanity's fundamental problem and solution in the same terms -- ignorance and enlightenment," she says.
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