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MYTH SALON: Synchronicity - An Emerging Vision To Guide Us with Dr. Joe Cambray

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MYTH SALON: Synchronicity - An Emerging Vision To Guide Us with Dr. Joe Cambray
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MYTH SALON: Synchronicity - An Emerging Vision To Guide Us with Dr. Joe Cambray

Jung's synchronicity can be understood as meaningful coincidences that has the potential to guide us in life. It is also an invitation to accept the miraculous forces that move underneath our everyday activities.

In this Myth Salon, you will learn how Carl Jung came up with the concept of synchronicity and how it opened the door to the possibility of finding meaning in select, random events. You will discover that synchronicity is a deep concept, one that goes beyond its practical application in everyday life to exploring the very nature of reality. You will see that the world is no longer governed by the simple laws of cause and effect but that it is more complex and miraculous. Here, reality is interconnected, as are psyche and matter. In this world, there are calls and invitations, and meaningful coincidences that help in leading one's life. Come and revel in this meaningful talk about coincidences!

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