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MYTH SALON: Splendor Solis, Four Quartets with Dr. Ron Schenk

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MYTH SALON: Splendor Solis, Four Quartets with Dr. Ron Schenk
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MYTH SALON: Splendor Solis, Four Quartets with Dr. Ron Schenk

“Journey” is a common metaphor indicating a process. This sensibility stems from gnostic myth which tells of the soul’s movement to self revelation in which it paradoxically arrives at the place of unification of self and other. On this passage, several archetypal themes are evoked – Awakening, Attachment, Departure, Crossing Over, Yearning, Guide, Goal, Working Through, Sacrifice, Release, and Atonement. This presentation revisions the notion of journey from a deconstructive standpoint, depicting “The Soul’s Journey” in multi-media form - psychological narrative, selections from T.S. Eliot’s “The Four Quartets,” live singing of art songs, tapdancing, a dynamic powerpoint presentation of videos from opera and over 200 images from alchemy and art history most prominently from the alchemical text Splendor Solis - depicting the way of the pilgrim as the archetypal mode of change. The presentational “event” follows the form of Navajo ceremonials in which many modalities are ritualistically integrated into one form in the service of healing.

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